Bahnson Environmental Specialties is now Environmental Specialties, LLC.

Vaccine Storage Chambers

Whether you distribute or dispense vaccines, proper storage protocol is critical. Environmental Specialties can support your vaccine storage needs, helping you stay in compliance with CDC requirements.

Our vaccine storage chambers are capable of maintaining precise temperature-uniformity, which can contribute to lowering both the expense of vaccine replacements, and the risk of exposure to compromised vaccines.

We offer a variety of upright cold storage chambers that achieve a wide range of temperature set-points, including the 5°C and -20°C needed for most COVID-19 vaccines.

Purpose-Built for Your Specific Vaccine Storage Needs

When vaccines are part of your business purpose, our vaccine cold storage chambers are preferable to household grade refrigeration. Our pharmaceutical-grade units are specifically designed for biologic, chemical, and reagent storage.

Our vaccine storage units offer:

  • Strong temperature uniformity
  • Automatic defrost cycle
  • Capacities ranging from 12 to 114 square feet

Your vaccine storage unit can also be customized with:

  • Frost-free operation
  • Four-bank lighting for photostability at 5°C
  • Back wall lighting for vaccine inspection at 5°C